Five years after the epic events of Might & Magic Heroes VII and Ivan's conquest of the Holy Griffin Empire, Trial by Fire recounts the growing tensions with the neighboring Dwarven kingdom of Grimheim through two original campaigns. When Ivan receives word that Dwarven war bands are once again descending on the Stag Duchy, he is ready to go to war to protect his people – but he knows a new global conflict could bring the end of the Empire.
Hoping to prevent such a tragic escalation, Vilma "Stoneshield" Bjornsdottir, leader of the Sudgerd Dwarves, comes to Ivan's court as an ambassador. Her tale will shed light on some of the darkest chapters of the Dwarves' history -- and reveal the key to saving both of their people.
Trial by Fire recounts the growing tensions between the Holy Griffin Empire and its neighboring Dwarven kingdom of Grimheim through a brand new and epic story.
New content & original tactics - Play two original and thrilling campaigns starring the recently crowned emperor Ivan and legendary Dwarven heroes. Enjoy improved mechanics and extra content including additional Skirmish maps and bonus Scenario maps written by Terry B. Ray, Heroes IV’s celebrated writer.
Experience the unique mix of Turn-Based Strategy and RPG - Explore and conquer an enchanted world, develop and manage your economy, lead armies of legendary creatures to battle, build up Heroes of Might & Magic with hundreds of uncanny abilities and powerful artifacts.
Rediscover the richness of the Might & Magic Universe - Take control of a full new lineup of charismatic heroes and iconic creatures such as Fire Giants, Rune Priests and Red Dragons. With dozens of new artifacts, abilities and achievements. Explore a unique mountain environment with its new town screen and buildings set.
Trial by Fire is also a standalone expansion, an ideal way for newcomers and fans of previous entries to enjoy the authentic Might & Magic Heroes experience.
Activation: Automatically added to your Ubisoft Connect for PC library for download.